10 November 2016

TV GONIČ: Gospodi, pomiluj daljinski

U ovom izdanju čak dve serije koje su više nego must i još desetak da prave šumu od koje nećete videti drvo. Kao i uvek Before/ After otvara srce za one kojima ne smeta što sunce sija na teveu.


  1. Čekaj, pa i Stiven Kolber je na CBS-u! Ili je i on pglu, elitisto?

    Problem s demokratama, američkim i srpskim, jeste što to često nisu nikakvi astrofizičari elitisti - mada oni obično i nisu elitisti - nego u principu neki društvenjaci, psiholozi studirali po sto godina

    1. ja mislim da si ti na putu da otkriješ nešto veliko tu. samo nastavi.

    2. "Rural America is what feeds you blowhards in the cities. Rural America can make do without the cities, but the cities can't make do without rural america. What would LA look like without imported crops and water? The oh so educated liberals would starve to death, if the thirst didn't take them first. They would have to eat the Communist Manifesto in the absence of anything else. Maybe they would realize that those hillbillies serve a purpose after all.
      That type of arrogance is exactly what gave Trump the presidency. But go on, keep telling people outside the cities that they're just a bunch of illiterate rednecks who shouldn't matter. I'm sure it will turn out in your favor some day. Idiot."

    3. rekoh ti, na putu si da otkriješ nešto.
