10 November 2011

MOĆ VEŠTICA 09.11.2011. "Zabranjeno za pse i Srbe" (Nevermind Tribute)


01. Melvins - Smells Like Teen Spirit

02. Mewithoutyou - In Bloom

03. Yuna - Come As You Are

04. Steve Earle - Breed

05. Empty Field - Lithium

06. Amanda Palmer - Polly

07. Will Dailey - Territorial P*****GS

08. Murder By Death - Lounge Act

09. Racketeering Vultures - Drain You

10. Oreo Jones - Stay Away

11. Sam Friend - On a Plain

12. Guy Harvey - Something In The Way

13. EMA - Endless Nameless


14. Distain! - Smells Like Teen Spirit

15. Butch Walker - In Bloom

16. Porcelain Raft - Come As You Are

17. Eztorbo - Breed

18. Nirvana (60s) - Lithium

19. Pocket of Lollipops - Polly

20. Liars - Territorial Pissings

21. Jessica Lea Mayfield - Lounge Act

22. Horse Feathers - Drain You

23. UK Subs - Stay Away

24. The Album Leaf - On a Plain

25. Tricky - Something In The Way

26. Nirvana - Endless Nameless (Peel Session)


Kao i Lepa Brena i ja imam poklon za svoje najvernije fanove. S obzirom da je prvi set obrada ujedno i meni najbolji poklanjam vam ih sve u formi popularnog mikstejpa. Ovde. Load up on guns and bring your friends, it’s fun to lose and to pretend...


  1. Zabavan sou i prateca fotka uz playlistu.
    Sto se tice bizarnih primera "Nevermind" numera, pomenuo bih obrade za decu sa glokenšpilom i vibrafonom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud7aXfVzRkc&feature=related - vrlo zabavno i pomalo jezovito. Veliki pozdrav.

  2. Hvala! Come as you are i uzmi i ti nešto odavde http://cottonsynthstudradio.blogspot.com/2010/08/7-od-27-antologijskookultnih-emisija.html ,-)

  3. Sta zabranjeno za pse i Srbe??
